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Children’s book



Energetics of Success

If you’re over the confusion brought about by the crazy of the world, AND you want to tap the energetics of YOUR success, this awesome bundle is for YOU! In the masterclass, extra video, worksheet and meditation I get you into the mindset and energy for success. Ready to figure out the real secret sauce of success?

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Miracle Mindset

Need a loving kick up the bum? Ready for a potent reminder that your dreams are your destiny? WANT to know that anything is possible? In this bundle I’ve got you. The Manifesting 101 Masterclass and three meditations will get you into a mindset for miracles!

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Manifest Money

If you’re so over feeling broke and ready to manifest the abundance that’s your birthright, this content will get you there. It’s the very same tools I used to up-level my abundance. The insights you’ll gain and reprogramming you’ll receive from the classes and meditation are life-changing.

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Love Notes

A deeply soothing collection of quotes and short poems born of love.

They'll help you find your way home to the love you yearn for, to step beyond the limitations of your thinking mind, and into the welcoming arms of your own sweet spirit. There is profound soothing to be found here.

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My Little Book Of Happy

Children's Journal:
My Little Book Of Happy

A beautifully illustrated, full-colour interactive journal sharing the key techniques used by Zofie in her one-to-one work with children.

Packed with positive tips and practices, this book has been lovingly crafted to help your child find their way home to their own inner resilience and resources.

Children's book
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what others are saying

"I’ve been listening to your meditation every day and wow don’t I feel much more positive and the sleep I’ve been getting has improved massively."

-Lea, Bristol

"I honestly learn something every time you open your mouth! I'm serious"

-Karina Nielsen, Denmark

"I have my copy of Love Notes- I am loving it. It's like some kind of freakin' divine instrument - whatever I ask/need it always tells me the perfect, soothing thing."

-Dr. Lucy Woodliffe, Bristol

"Every time I read a quote from it it’s like a bell ringing to wake my soul up."

-Broocke C E Ross

"Thank you so much. That was everything I needed to hear and remind myself. You’re ace x x x"

-Sasha Gallery, Bristol

"Loved yesterday Zofie. Feel like it’s exactly what I needed to hear! Thank you so much."

-X x Carol, Bristol