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Relax Me Happy Blog >>>


I can’t get enough of all things mindset and manifestation!
If you want to hear what l’ve been saying lately, check out my blog.


Four Steps To Net You Happy

Zofie Lloyd-Kucia

I sent out an email setting out 'four steps to happy' to my 'Happiness Insiders' this week, and shared a story over on Insta on the same topic....and it's such a biggie I wanted to pop it here for you to read- so here it is, in all it's glory for you to enjoy!


"I'm so passionate about helping YOU to get happy/happier!  If you know my story you'll know that the first part of my life sucked....and this has given me a huge drive to make up for it, to use this to my advantage and to help others....

So, I'm sharing four simple tips to get you happy.  I hope you're up for giving these tips and tools a whirl and seeing for yourself that you CAN take charge of your own happiness.

During my FB Live last night a well-intentioned listener commented words to the effect 'it's easy for you...' and I can see why he'd think that, but he's wrong- it's not easy for me to be happy- I WORK at it!  I make my own happy, and you can too- wherever you are as you read this....

If you want in, keep reading......

You're still here, super duper!  DO these four things and see for yourself:

1- listen to one of my relaxation tracks AT LEAST once a day- if you don't have the free track 'Perspective' on my website smoke sign up as a Happiness Insider and It'll land right in your inbox- it's perfect for bedtime.  Plus, you can access this, one other full length track (and a mini-relaxation soon) via the great FREE app Insight Timer.   These will help to calm you, boost your positivity, clear your stresses, improve your sleep quality and RAISE YOUR VIBE ✨

2-Practise what I call the 'I want to feel....' process.  All this means is spend a little time IN ADVANCE of the things that challenge you/trigger you/you find tricky, focusing on HOW you want to feel in said situation.  I can't overstate how powerful this process is- I know it's so simple right?! BUT it works! The aim is to lean into the feeling- not just think about it, FEEL it.  This sends direction to your brain and will help you net exactly what you want out of the challenging situations in your life- try it for yourself to see!

3-Lean into more fun in your life- make a conscious decision to look for joy, seek it out, do things that bring you joy.  Friend, you're not gonna be happy unless you do some happy stuff 😍

4- Oh, and my final and oh-so important tip - PUT YOUR FOOT DOWN WITH SUCKY THOUGHTS! This is so important it's in caps.....when you think negative thoughts it will stress you, dampen your mood, or leave you feeling more frustrated and irritable over time...and you just can't do it if you want to thrive and live joyfully!

Hand on heart, you do these things you can't help but feel better!

You in?  Leave a comment saying 'I'm in' to declare it!

With so much love,

Zofie x

PS- The latest FB live guided relaxation is up, go check it out to help yourself GET HAPPY

PPS- If you want to check out my story on this- it's saved as a highlight over in Insta too
