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I run bi-monthly masterclasses on the topic of mindset and manifestation which are free to attend for monthly members. And at present I’m still teaching my signature course- Manifesting Miracles- live online


Upcoming Events: 


Many businesses are waking up to the fact that taking care of the wellbeing of their workforce is an investment worth making.  I have limited available to speak at your workplace, run on-site sessions or create a tailor made package for company, please get in touch to find out more.

What People Are Saying:

The feedback I had from the staff was excellent. Zofie began by talking to us about how we could be more positive, more focused and happier in our day to day lives. This involved some practical tips and advice. We then settled down for the “relaxing” part of the session. Having gone into the room feeling wound up and stressed by our daily working lives, I know that we all left feeling much more relaxed and positive. We all reported being more productive following these sessions as well. The attendees were a mixture of different people from across the firm – support staff, lawyers and management. The sight of a load of lawyers lying on the floor with their eyes closed in one of our meeting rooms must have been funny to anyone who happened to see us, but we all found it extremely beneficial and are hoping to have Zofie back again.
— Lucy, Gregg Latchams